
Leslie-Cam Auriculotherapy Treatment


Auriculotherapy is a smoking cessation technique that enables an individual to avoid the acute withdrawal normally associated with going cold turkey. We administer an electrical stimulus to the nerve endings on the outside of both of your ears. When we finish, you will have little or no urge to smoke. The procedure itself is painless and takes only minutes to perform. We ask that you not have any nicotine two hours prior to the treatment. That way, you will be a little jumpy when you arrive, and you will feel the effects of the treatment almost immediately.

Plan on being with us for a maximum of one hour. During this time you will be educated about the treatment, complete paperwork, have your ears prepped, and receive the auriculotherapy. Eighty-five percent of our patients are successful with only one treatment. The fee for the treatment includes lifetime follow-up visits at our location. Your desire to discontinue nicotine use is not necessary for a successful result, and we treat all forms of nicotine addiction.
Facility: Capital Region Southwest Campus
Location: Oakview and Viewpoint Rooms
Type: Other
Preregistration: Not required
Phone: 632.5593
Cost: $125 payable by credit/debit or cash
Language: English
Notes: Times and locations may vary. Call 632.5593 for more details.